Ringers and assistants needed at Birdringing station, Gotland

Sundre Birdringing station, Gotland, Sweden, soon will start another season, April 25. The spring season is April 25 to June 8 and the fall season July 25 to September 15. We are in constant need of ringers and assistants.

To contribute to the birdringing of Gotland is important. Sundre Birdringing station has a
unique material on which we operated during the above periods for many years.
The standard catch is unique and these days very important example of
environmental monitoring purposes. Important in these days and beyond!
We would like to get more of the operations that contribute to the collection of
biometrics and may have access to fantastic environments, exciting bird
experience and
good company.

If you are interested, check out the website www.sundrefagelstation.se .

If you want to book or have questions, you are welcome to hear from you to
Leo Larsson at the address sg.bokning @ gmail.com

Sundregruppen (which carries activity at the Sundre Birdringing station)
by Robert Kavhed

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